Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Every athlete knows its importance.
Without it one loses flexibility, the chance for muscles to rebuild, and ultimately the ability to maximize workouts and gain strength.
Stretching is absolutely critical to the success (and progress) of an athlete.

The same is true in real life. Now, I'm not saying you need to stretch your quads and hamstrings before heading to work or church (although I guess you could)- this is a different kind of stretch.

A more uncomfortable (and sometimes painful) kind of stretch.

Imagine a stagnant life. Day after day the same routine takes place: you get up, work 8-5, eat dinner, watch the news, and head to bed. Sure, you go to church. Sometimes you even volunteer. Once a week you go to community group, open up about tough subjects, and work on your faith when the pastor's message is convicting.

Not hard to imagine, is it?

The greatest temptation in life is to let it stay stagnant.

Don't like the word stagnant? Then how about a different word.

The greatest temptation in life is to be comfortable.

Throughout Jesus' ministry, the call that is placed before us is anything but comforting.

Take up your cross and follow me.

Lose your life, that you may find it.

You will be hated for my namesake.

And let us not forget that Jesus' very message... got Him killed.

Feeling uncomfortable yet?

I know I am. But I'm not alone.

A couple months ago, I started attending a "small group" at my church (Cross Point Church). Small was the last thing it was. Committed to being missional and intentional in all we did, two things became apparent about our "Not So Small" Community group that made us different than all the others:

First, we were a group of people committed to never feeling comfortable.

And second, it was extremely contagious.

Since first attending, the group has gone from about 30 to 140+ regular attendees. Like other "small groups", we break into groups and discuss the message, dive deep into the tough calling of following Christ, pray for each other, and do life together. Sure, our numbers make us different (small groups are typically capped at 12-15, not 140 and counting...) but what we do after we meet is the game changer: we respond.

The mission statement for us 140+ 20/30 somethings explains it perfectly:

"We are imperfect people, living inside our design, building enduring relationships with each other, actively serving the needs of others, and committing to grow deeper in love and faith with Christ."

A couple things were for sure about our "small" group:

We were no longer small...

..."Not So Small Community Group" was a mouthful...

...we were people of action...

...and we needed a name.

Enter: Stretch.

The word "stretch" is an action verb, defined the following ways:

To draw out or extend (oneself) to the limit of one's abilities or talents.

To hold out, reach forth, or extend.

To extend, spread, or place (something) so as to reach from one point or place to another.

To extend, force, or make serve beyond the normal or proper limits

To be capable of expanding, as to a larger size

What's amazing about Stretch is that its corporate. Yes, I stretch personally and challenge others to do the same, but my stretching allows for someone else to stretch as well, and so on and so forth. My life, when stretched, is much more impactful alongside others who are doing the same.

So what happens when you stretch?

Your time becomes more important.

Your actions have eternal impact.

You wind up at Safe Haven on Mondays.

You teach ESL to African refugees on Wednesdays.

You help rebuild Nashville through Habitat for Humanity.

You work the lunch shift at Nashville Rescue Mission on Saturdays.

And you do it alongside those you sit with on Sundays.

I have the unbelievable honor and privilege to lead a group at Stretch and serve alongside some of the most dedicated, dynamic individuals. One of our main leaders, Grant Jenkins, made this video to unveil our new name to the group this past Sunday:

Stretch from cpstretch on Vimeo.

I know you all don't live in Nashville, attend Cross Point, or are in the single "20-30 somethings" stage of life, but, just like us, you can stretch.

So go ahead.
Be stretched.
And stretch others while you're at it.


  1. Christina, great post! I'm so glad you're engaged in STRETCH on a leadership level. There are some really unique things happening with our group and I'm glad you're a part of it!

  2. Christina this post is just real and spoken with so much truth! Stretching is one of those things that all of us need to be nudged and reminded about. As you said it's so important to never become stagnant, complacent, stop growing and challenging yourself. I love that Crosspoint and especially our small group pushes us to engage in these biblical truths. Thank you again for such a great post, I'm glad we're on this journey together!

  3. Great post and a very vivid summary of what is going on in a lot of our lives right now. I couldn't have said this any better myself!

  4. Awesome post Christina!!! I think you truly captivated what we are in Stretch. I'm so excited to be walking this path with you and can't wait to see where the Lord takes us as we follow Him. :-)
