Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Acting like a 6 year old...

I love vacations. Whether its a weekend off (I sometimes consider that a stay-cation because I rarely leave the house) or a trip to a different climate, vacations seem to stir my soul and get me excited. Rarely do I rest on vacations (isn't it funny how it always happens like that?)... coming back more exhausted than when I left, due to sun exposure and lack of sleep. When I was a child, I remember being unable to sleep the night before we headed out on vacation. Typically it was a Disney world trip, and we had to leave at about 4am to go to the airport (the benefits of living in the middle of nowhere in New Hampshire...), so I sat wide awake in my bed thinking of all the things we were going to do once we arrived.

Tonight, I find myself doing the same thing.

Where am I going on vacation, you ask? Nowhere. Then why the lack of sleep? I know, the suspense is just killing you.

One thing I love almost as much as my own vacations, is someone else's vacation... to Nashville... to visit me. And at approximately 10:30am tomorrow morning, one of the greatest women on earth will be landing at Nashville International Airport. Lucky for her, I'll be there with an embarrassing sign waiting at the baggage claim. Lucky for me, she won't even notice a sign in my hands when she sees her baby all grown up.

That's right - my momma is coming to visit. I was able to go home for Christmas, and while there, convinced her to come stay with me for Easter. Anyone who knows my family understands how great of a feat this is - Ludwicks just don't miss holidays. We get together for Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Memorial Day... we may have even celebrated Columbus Day together too. We like gathering together... and this year, I get to expose my mom to my new world, and share with her my friends, church, and community on such an important weekend. I'm like a 6 year old ready to go to Disney all over again. I'm so excited I just don't think I can sleep.

Too bad I have a workout at 7am...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Vision Board: Run a 5K, 10K, 1/2?

I hate running. My relationship with running has always been related to pain, punishment, and pay-back. Let me explain:

As an athlete, running was what we had to do to stay in shape. Basketball preseason was accompanied by suicides, 4 by 4s, and sweet sixteens. Never once did I finish a sweet sixteen feeling great. Suicides are named as such because... well... I think you understand. Pain was inevitable. For me, though, it was also a reminder how out of shape (compared to most of my teammates) I was. I'm that girl who was blessed with athletic skills... not the athletic body. Basketball revealed my physical weaknesses: I was slow, easily winded, and always "the trailer." I was the high scorer, a beast on the boards, but never the "athlete." Running revealed that.

When it comes to volleyball, running was mainly the punishment. Once I got to college I quickly realized my coach's favorite activities: run-thru's, the "loop", and not setting up the net. Freshman forgot the balls from the bus? No net practice. Lose a 5-game match due to hustle points? Run the loop. Not moving your feet on defense? Run-thru's. Oh, and then there were the suicides for missed serves, running the loop for "fun", and sweet sixteens for attitude problems. "BASELINE" (in any sport) is usually not a term you click your heels to.

But then, almost 2 years ago, I started to like it. I had lost about 35 pounds and found running a little more enjoyable. When I was at my parents house over the summer, I would get up most mornings bright and early and run into town (2.2 miles). My dad always went to town to get coffee so once I reached the bay, cooled down, and stretched out, he had a newspaper, hot coffee in hand, and gave me a ride home. I called this activity pay-back. I hated every moment of the run (mainly due to the sun barely rising) but once I reached the stop light downtown, I felt empowered. I wanted to "pay [myself] back" for the hard work I had put in into losing the weight. Sure, the activity wasn't enjoyable, but most of my life that run was impossible to complete. I had to know I could do it.

My vision board has 5K and 10K written on it. I never "loved" running, and quickly threw the activity out the window when I graduated, stopped "training" for athletics, and moved to Nashville. Running and I aren't on good terms yet again.

This has to change... for me mentally and of course, physically. For me, running is the punishment of the past that I am determined to turn positive. I am going to run because I like it... someday.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Vision Board (Dreams)

So as I said yesterday, I am creating a vision board to better visualize and actualize my dreams. Last night, I started writing the various "dreams" and goals I want to accomplish over the course of my life. It varies from career goals to people to meet, to mountains to climb (literally!). This morning I thought I would share some of them with you. Some require explanation... others, not so much. I'll break them down day to day, but for now, here's some of the list:

(in no particular order)
-Run a 10k
-Work in the NFL
-(more particularly) Work for the New England Patriots
-(more particularly and much less control) Win a Superbowl (execs get rings, too)
-(if I stay coaching volleyball) Coach college ball
-Found a sports ministry, "3:23 Ministries"
-Be part of an "Outside the Lines" feature. I love Bob Ley.
-Work out with Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper... and survive.
-Be featured in Sports Business Journal's "40 under 40"
-Climb Mt. Washington
-Meet Tim Tebow, Drew Brees, and Pat Summitt
-Have an appearance on ESPN's "The Sports Reporters"
-Speak at a women's leadership conference
-Pay off all my loans by age 29.
-Write a book: "On Purpose"
-Backpack Europe
-Teach as an adjunct professor at a University

Some seem silly, some completely absurd, and others easily attainable. Sure they may need some adjustments over time and some won't break my heart if I don't reach them, but I'm proud of my vision. What's most important is that no day should be wasted... I have too much to do and work towards! What about you? Any silly, absurd dreams you should be going after?