Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ignoring His Presence

"We may ignore, but we can't evade the presence of God.
The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito."
- C.S.Lewis

When we look to find God in the world, how often do we search for the big moments, the pillar of smoke, or burning bush? While God does still manifest in that way, we too often forget that He is constantly on the move around us, we are just too blinded to notice. We spend our every day waiting for a miracle or a revolutionary experience to take us by surprise, when, in all reality, He is on every street corner, passerby, and stressed out moment. We cannot escape His presence.

The question, then, is what is blinding us from Him? If our world is crowded with God- why can't we see more of Him? Is it unintentional? Just "busyness" or stressfilled schedules forcing us to practically beg and plead for Him to push through and show us a miracle? Why do we constantly demand Him to shout at us when the Creator of the Universe prefers a whisper?

Have you considered the possibility that this "blindness" to God's presence is not only tragic, but purposeful? If we are not intentionally choosing to be in His presence daily, then, we must face the truth that we are intentionally choosing to not seek out His presence. It's easy to excuse it, that we just can't find Him anywhere. But are we even looking?

He might not be easy to find; I haven't seen many burning bushes grabbing my attention lately. But I do know one thing for sure- He is here, constantly moving, always speaking.

Have you seen Him lately?

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