Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Have A Secret

I have a secret to tell you.

I'm a closet romantic. I love love.

I may put up a tough, "all about sports" front but catch me watching a chick flick and you'll see my heart swoon.

Last night, my roommate and I gushed over Mr. Darcy while watching Pride & Prejudice. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "I love you, most ardently" or "You've bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." My reaction is still the same as it was in high school when the words jumped off the pages. The movie just makes it worse. I'm such a sucker for Mr. Darcy.

Another closet guilty pleasure? The Bachelorette. All through college I rolled my eyes at my roommate and her friends who would gush and swoon over the Bachelor and the contestants on the Bachelorette. I made it a point to be out of the room on Monday nights. Becca, if you're reading this now, I apologize. I get it now.

Thanks to my current roommate, Liz, I now love watching as Ali sorts through 25 men to find true love. Ali was my favorite on the Bachelor, and it broke my heart watching her leave during the top 4. (Yes, that is where I got my start on this obsession.) And now, I weekly watch her quest to find love and outwardly gush as every guy contends for her love. The romance, thoughtfulness, and downright adorable things these guys do for her is amazing. I always find myself on the edge of the couch, sighing, wanting a guy like that in my life.

What is it about love that is so addicting to behold? We cry when hearts are broken, swoon when a man rides in [sometimes literally] to save the day, then throw popcorn at the TV when the movie is over and we come to our senses. Is love like that real?

Then there's the Twilight obsession. Good LORD! Yes, I've read the books. Yes, I love Edward Cullen. Yes, I love Jacob Black. I LOVE them. They would do anything for Bella. No, I don't have any T-shirts, and no I'm not going to the midnight premier, but to be honest? Of course I want a boy like that (without the vampire/werewolf part)!

Okay, joking aside, I'm not crazy about boys and desperate to find love. I feel like I have a good, calm head on my shoulders when it comes to love in reality. Its elusiveness in my life, however, has been channeled into this guilty pleasure of chick flicks, romance, and all things love.

There, I said it.

Any guilty pleasures you're hiding? :)

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