Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Project 66

Reading the Bible.

From the first day of "becoming a Christian" I was told to read the Bible.
Root myself in the Word.
Stand on the Lord's promises.
Day one I knew the Bible was rather important.

And although I could spout off Bible knowledge and memorized verses to you, my commitment to reading the Word is shaky. I don't get up every morning and read it. I'd rather spend my time reading Max Lucado and C.S. Lewis books... but the Bible?

Pardon me as I yawn.

My faith is of utmost importance to me. It has been my foundation since I was little. God has been faithful through the most trying of times, and through everything I have learned that committing my life to Him and living it out in such a way that people see Him through me is worth it.

Go on missions trips to share the Gospel? Yes.
Lead worship? You got it.
Start an FCA chapter in college? Done.
Be a community group leader and challenge others to grow in their faith? I love it.
But wake up in the morning and spend some time in the Word? ...maybe tomorrow.

It is baffling to me that I am so incredibly unfaithful in the little things. So many days I sit and wonder what my life would be like if I would have just committed to being rooted in the Word.

What if I spent time with Him daily?
Who could I have impacted if my focus was on eternity?
How would my life be different if I understood the character of God a little more?

But I'm done asking questions.

The other day, my friend Kenlyn started a blog called Project 66. It is a challenge she has placed on herself to commit to reading the Bible in the span of 66 weeks (due to the 66 books of the Bible). She put all the names of the books of the Bible on separate cards and will draw, at random, a new book every week to study.

The moment I read her post, I knew I had to do it as well. I quickly texted her, asked her blessing to spread the challenge to others, and prepared for my own Project 66 to start.

My Project 66 will last December 1 (2010) - March 6 (2012). Not only will I dig in to the Bible, but I will also blog about each book weekly. I encourage you to not only follow along with my progress but also along with Kenlyn's. Her blog can be found here.

So, today starts week one of my journey into rooting myself in the Word of God.

My first draw?

The Book of Acts.

This is going to be good.


  1. Excellent! I am making this commitment with you. I have been convicted of my root-less ways. I too, since almost birth can quote you memorized stuff off the top of my head -- but I need to demonstrate some discipline, and you have motivated me! Bless you Christina!

  2. This is fantastic Christina. I've struggled with the same thing for a long time. It's funny, 'cause I knew you had a blog, but I haven't read it before 'cause I thought it might be strange since I literally never see you, but your mention of a challenge caught my interest. The Lord works in mysterious ways, lol. He's been putting it on my heart for a few months to get back into the Word. Well, I can't put it off now! :o) I also will follow along with you and where you're at and will read your friend's. Thanks for sharing! (This is Amber from LCS btw, lol)

  3. As you can now see... I will be following ALL of this. I really hope the growth and blessings are beyond what you could ever know.

    Be blessed-


  4. Great, I will be interested in seeing your progress.

    I didn't become a believer until adulthood and did not have believers in my family to lead the way, but God graciously pulled me out of the mire.

    Since that time I have done many formal bible studies of the word, but I've never read thru the entire Bible purposely. And my devotion time seemed to be always choosing the same books over and over. So last Easter I felt called to read thru the Bible in a year and I picked Don Finto's plan to do so. I can't begin to tell you how blessed I've been by it.

    Praying for a wonderful time and blessing in the word for you during this project.
