Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year in Review: 2010

Like so many people, I have spent my morning reflecting on what this past year has meant to me. I couldn't have imagined all that came my way, the successes I'd have and the tragedies I'd face.


No, this isn't a giant pat on the back to myself. What I accomplished and experienced was through merely the grace of God and, for some reason, he decided to bless me with incredible opportunities. May this post shine as a "My God is so good" post. May it point you to Him and not me.


There's no way I can ever say it all, so here's an understated summary of 2010:

I finally listened to God's call and joined a community group.

Weekly I was able to see what Biblical community looked like, and I lived it.

I learned that leading is merely serving, and serving is completely selfless.

I won a State Championship.

I sifted through photos of a family I had never met, trying to find at least one not destroyed by the flood.

I finally bought a Contributor.

I learned a homeless man's name, and told him mine.

I worked with NFL athletes.

I went on vacation with 13 people I didn't even know six months before.

I had the swine flu, pneumonia and bronchitis all at the same time... and survived.

I coached five volleyball teams and, for the first time in my career, had more wins than losses.

I shared some dark parts of my heart, and experienced love in spite of it.

I witnessed light shining into dark places.

I made some really dumb decisions, and a few really good ones.

I ran my first 5k.

I broke my foot.

I worked in a bakery, as a nanny, and a dog sitter in addition to my career endeavors.

I was forgiven.

I forgave.

I finally knew what it was like to have real friends.

I taught, and was taught.

Led, and followed.

I saw a flood devastate communities.

I saw hope overcome hopeless situations.

I told someone who Jesus was, while sitting in his flood-damaged house.

I learned how to love, and be loved in return.

I cried, a lot.

I witnessed miracles.

I saw people leave church barefoot in order than someone might have shoes.

I saw our brand new church turn into flood headquarters.

I saw someone put their last dollar in their car to have enough gas to get to our community group.

I saw needs met, hearts healed, and love poured out.

I found my home in Nashville.

I saw God make beautiful things out of broken, empty situations.

Now I have no idea what all will happen in 2011, but I do know that God is not yet finished with me. The year has potential of several changes, possible moves, and career changes but I know it's all in His hands. Regardless of what comes my way, God is faithful. He always has been. 2010 is proof of that. I've never had reason not to trust Him. And that is something worth trusting in.

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