Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week 1: Acts

For those of you who read my post last Wednesday, you know I've set out to read the Bible in the next sixty-six weeks (reading a book per week), and it all started with the book of Acts. With my first week complete of Project 66, there are some serious observations I made about myself and my commitment to the Word.

1. I couldn't tell you the last time I read the Bible every day, for seven days straight.

This breaks my heart to say this. As a leader, role model, and someone who people genuinely look to for advice and guidance, it's unbelievable to me how a basic principle in Christian faith has been missing for such a long time.

2. Reading the Word changes you.

No kidding. You are sitting there asking yourself, "Is she for real? Is she just now realizing this?" The answer is no. I've known the Word of God changes your life since it first changed mine at a young age. The reality is I've just been too selfish and lazy to take the time to allow it to these days. But, over the course of this past week, I have seen changes in my attitude, my speech, and my overall outlook on life. My priorities, different. My focus, changed. If seven days can do that, imagine what the next 455 days will look like. (Yes, I did the math just for you.)

3. Acts is an extraordinary book to start this journey on.

As many of you know, my community group at church has been digging into what an intentional, Biblical lifestyle would look like. It's a radical difference in comparison to today's modern church, but, when compared to the Bible, it is completely normal. To start this journey with Acts seems a little too perfect (well, my next pick followed suit..). Being challenged by what the church looked like from the start was eyeopening to say the least. There's no way I can summarize what reading Acts was for me here in a blog. All I know is that it was a perfect way to start not only challenging myself to read the Bible, but to live it.

And my next random draw?


1 comment:

  1. Reading the Bible each day is a great way to hear from God...Keep it up!...Miss you...paul Howley
