Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dreams, Part 1

I've realized I must dream. And dream big. Too often people set their sites on things attainable... things that are too easily attainable. When that happens success then becomes stagnant, too easy, almost lazy. I'm not saying that achieving a promotion in your job, or being a strong "provider" for your family is not a good thing. I'm just worried people too often miss their calling. Now don't read into this too much. I'm writing this to all people, not just those believing in a specific "calling" from above. I'm talking about what makes you tick. The thing you dreamed of when you were little, and still secretly dream of now. Who says you have to work a 9-5? Who says work has to be WORK? I believe that doing what you love can be a reality. The day to day can be literally a "dream come true".

Over the past couple months I've been realizing that not everyone was as blessed as I was to be raised in a family that fostered dreams. I have parents that never scoffed at my ideas, or told me I had to fit some type of mold. They taught me life lessons and instilled a strong work ethic, but what I did for a "career" was up to me. Through my interactions with friends and colleagues I have realized not everyone has had that experience and it breaks my heart. Everyone deserves to dream, and has the right to work towards making them reality. Whether someone has told you this or not, listen to me now: YOU are unique. You have wants and desires and TALENTS that noone else has. You don't have to fit some specific type of person to be a success. Whether its a hobby or career, you deserve to accomplish those dreams of yours. Think about them, soul search a bit. What do you dream about?

Over the next couple weeks each blogpost is going to feature one of my "dreams" (or visions). I am creating a vision board (kind of like an artsy "to-do" list) of all that I want to do - whether its a career, a vacation, or just a simple experience, I'm going to put it on my board... and frame it, and hang it in my room. Then I'll choose one to write about each time I blog. Maybe someone will read one of them and be inspired to think about their dreams... At the very least I will make my dreams more "plan-like" by writing them out and publishing them. Don't keep them in your head. Tell someone. Write them down. Regardless of how silly it seems, its YOUR dream. Make it happen! My dreams are worth attaining, and yours are too.

So tell me - What do you dream about?

"You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one."
-Henry David Thoreau-

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