Above all else, guard your heart...

Above all else, guard your heart- for it is the wellspring of life. (Proverbs 4.23)

Monday, February 1, 2010


Now I know I'm not a good judge of southern winters, but supposedly the storm that we had here in Nashville this past weekend was the "blizzard of the decade." Again, I'm not a good judge on southern winters but are you kidding me? At first I thought it was a joke, we got 3... maybe 4 inches of snow and the city shut down. Now I get that Metro doesn't have the sand, salt, or trucks to handle any type of storm, but one would think that 4 days after the last snowflake fell from the sky the roads would be plowed. And yet, they still aren't. Since Friday there have been over 500 accidents. The schools have been closed Friday, Monday and tomorrow (Tuesday). The temperatures have been in the upper 40s every day. The weather is perfect. Kids are having the best snow days any child could ask for (yet they have not mastered the art of making and throwing a snowball...).

I wonder what it would be like back home in New Hampshire if we didn't have the capabilities to take care of even the most minute of storms... 3 inches? 3 days of schools and businesses closed? Christmas vacation would have lasted straight through to Groundhog's day.

The past few days I literally didn't leave my house. Before the storm hit my roommate (also from New England) and I poked fun at all the southern "crazies" running out to stores to buy milk, bread, and eggs. I jokingly said they all craved french toast in the snow. But then, the storm hit and we couldn't get out. We've been stuck here for 4 days.

All of a sudden 3 inches of snow paralyzed a true blooded Yankee. Get me out of here.

1 comment:

  1. Christina,
    Mal and I lived in Nashville during "The Blizzard of 1978"...it was the biggest snowstorm New England had in our lifetime...but Nashville got about 6 inches of snow. The entire area was shut-down for almost ten days! We thought it was pretty funny! We were able to drive anywhere we needed to go because we knew how to drive in snow. (but almost every place was closed!)
